Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How does cloud cover affect surface temperatures?
This is a brief summary of what the project is about, what you did, and and a brief description of the outcome.
 I think that it makes them colder because they block the sun from hitting the ground
·         Opened up the excel from
·         Put a chart on word and completed it
·         Made a PowerPoint
·         I used my computer, drop box, Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and Word.
Collect Results
I pretty much took the range of data of cloud coverage and surface temperature of the practice football field because it has the widest range of cloud cover and temperature I used the same time of day for each different day.
I will make the ground colder because it stops the suns UV rays from hitting the ground and they can’t be absorbed.  It is like this because it reflects the light and UV rays.

Monday, September 30, 2013

How the solar system began

The solar system began when a big supernova explosion that released gases and tiny particles the gases are what formed the gas giants when the particles smashed together they formed the terrestrial planets like earth and mars the sun is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium then you have the stuff that's just there like the asteroid belt, kyper belt, and the Oort cloud that I don't know how it got made.